Monday, September 14, 2020

September 14

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There is no school Monday, September 14. Teachers are having a professional development day of meetings. Please take the time to read with your child and work on sight words. All students should have 12 sight words (or more) by Thursday. Also review the phonograms - there is a cumulative phonogram test the first week of October over the first 26 phonograms. It takes consistent practice at school and at home (or double at home) to reach these quarter goals.

As you heard, we are trying to finish Dibels reading tests by early next week but as you can imagine, it is difficult to find the 15-20 minutes per student while they are in school, scheduling distance learners can only take place during non-teaching times such as prep time, lunch or offering after school time slots. Luckily, Mrs. Bettis has stepped in and she has offered a safe, sanitized, quick and easy way for distance learners to come to the lobby of the school and take their Dibels test in person. Dibels is a national test, the results go in student's permanent record, we want everyone to do their very best but as you have noticed, zoom testing doesn't always reflect the student's true skill level. Please consider contacting Mrs. Bettis for an in-person time slot. It would take 20-30 minutes of your time and I would appreciate it. I understand if you don't want to come in, and I will schedule your child next week if you just don't feel comfortable. (