Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Quarter 2 Week 1


This week in Kindergarten:

In Language Arts, the students listened to the story of Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. They were able to make a 'Mary Anne' craft and Mike Mulligan puppets. At the end of the story, Mike Mulligan dug so fast that he and Mary Anne were at the bottom of the cellar and the townspeople brainstormed on how to get them out. If you remember the story, a little boy comes up with the idea that they turn Mary Anne into a furnace for the new Town Hall. The students had to come up with a creative solution on how they would get out of a cellar and they presented their ideas to the class using the document camera. My favorites were using a green helicopter and ladder, phoning a friend with a rope ladder and using a hot air balloon. Kindergartners are great problem solvers.

In Math, the class worked on descending and ascending order of numbers to 10. It is one of those great 'number sense' ideas - to practice counting up from any number or counting backward from any number. That ability to manipulate a number line is an important developmental skill that takes practice. 

In History, the students moved from the continent of North America to the continent of Europe. They filled in a mini-book of facts about Europe. One of the most sad/interesting facts was that the most visited place in Europe is Disneyland Paris. The class remembered that Columbus came from Europe in 1492 but they will soon learn that there were other 'famous' people who came from England to America in 1620.

In Science, the class has been learning about pumpkins. We did an experiment in school where we opened a small pumpkin and added soil and water and it is now sitting in the sun until next Friday. The hope is that the many seeds inside the little pumpkin will germinate. We will continue this theme of Pumpkins next week too.

In Spalding, we reviewed the first 26 phonograms and reviewed proper letter formation. Next week, the students will start learning 2 letter phonograms. Remember why we underline 2 letter phonograms? "It's 2 phonograms, working together to make one sound." We will no longer be using hand signals for new phonograms, so I and Ms. Leary will make sure to speak directly to the computer when we introduce new sounds. I'll put the link of the teacher saying the phonograms here for reference and your child can do the phonograms with her as we add more phonograms. Link: https://safeYouTube.net/w/GX1V