Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Dear Kindergarten Parents,

This is not how any of us thought Kindergarten should start - online and with Zoom meetings. It will certainly be different... but it will be okay.

Please be reassured, we've got this at school. It won't be perfect, but I promise that we will give every lesson and every video and every zoom session our very best effort. I will respond to your questions promptly by email and we will be there for you.

You've got this at home - you are going to watch YouTube videos on how to do Google Classroom and you are going to find the time/keep a detailed schedule to help your Kindergartner access the materials, do the work and be on time to watch the live zoom teaching and sign up for the one on one reading/assessment time. Organization is the key to life balance. Please know that I appreciate how much you have to juggle. This stay at home order is not easy, but it is doable.

Please remember that attitude is everything - convey confidence and joy in regard to remote learning to your kindergartner. You have been, and always will be, your child's best teacher. Your child does not have a reference as to what "Kindergarten is supposed to be like". This version is all they know. And one day soon, we will be back in the classroom (in our new normal with face masks and desk shields), and we will have a great story to tell.

Let the adventure begin - online August 10th. ~Mrs. Beatty