This week in Kindergarten:
Language Arts was all about Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf - until today's story twist of three little wolves and the big bad pig! I hope your child enjoyed learning about the story elements of characters, setting, problem and solution. I enjoyed seeing the pig drawings, everyone really put in a great effort!
Math was starting in our new math books - and learning how things are exactly the same or almost the same or totally different and matching objects according to those characteristics. The students finished the numbers 4 and 5, learning about counting 1 to 1 correspondence, number lines, ten frames and number writing.
In History/Geography, the students watched videos of important aspects of North America and began learning about American Symbols with the study of Mr. Rushmore in South Dakota.
In Science the students investigated apples by using their 5 senses. And even with a power outage at school, we managed to measure, make careful observations and experiment whether an apple sank or floated.
Spalding officially started with our first 5 phonograms. It was fun to watch through the zoom window as the students said and used the hand signals for the phonograms. We had our first true test over phonograms today. As an FYI: next week's test will be five new phonograms for a grade and a review of this week's phonograms. Keep reviewing, Spalding tests are cumulative.
Thank you for watching the Zoom Curriculum Night! I so appreciate your grace, your enthusiasm, and your efforts to keep up with everything.